Tips To Help You Design A Safe House For Your Child
With kids you never know when things could take a complete downward turn. Even the smallest things around the house could be some of the most dangerous to their lives. That is why as adults you need to make sure that you kid-proof your house, and here are some tips to help you out with it.
Keeping power cords and switches sealed
One of the most common cause of household accident related to kids are the switches. Since children are at the curious age of wanting to try and test out different things, they tend to experiment with just about anything and everything that catches their eye. And switch with open holes are just calling their names. When these are left unsealed and open, they tend to poke in their tiny fingers in to them, and this results in current shocks and whatnot. Therefore, always make sure that the power codes like the switches are out of reach and are sealed, just like you would get non slip ramps for stair cases.
Keep TVs mounted
Although you might have not thought deep, TVs left on the stand are in fact rather risky when you have small kids at home. They would for sure try to climb up on such stands and end up falling down hurting themselves. However, if you have these mounted to the wall, there is no room for such danger and the little plugs and cables could also be hidden from the eye and their reach. So do consider mounting them on to the walls like you would get safety stride stair Nosings for a house that has stairs and little kids running about.
Unprotected tables
Whether you have glass tables or wooden tables, you need to make sure that they are protect from the kids. Especially when it comes to the sharp edges, installing rubber covers in to them could go a long in preventing rather bloody accidents. Glass tables themselves are also considerably dangerous in addition to the sharp corners. Therefore, do consider substituting them with stronger wooden ones or place these in areas where the kids wouldn’t be too involved.
Move away tiny thingsThings
like small toys, pins and whatnot usually tend to catch the eye of toddlers easily. And it is these things that go straight in to their mouth without any thought. Once this happens the trouble you have to go through to make sure that none of these mess with their tiny organs and whatnot, is just hard. Therefore, to prevent such things from happening beforehand make sure that these toys and stuff are out of their reach and store in the right places. Put your child first in any change or revamp you make and make sure that you create a place that is healthy and safe for them!